
How to Develop a Growth Mindset in Your Workplace

how to develop a growth mindset

Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? Let’s dive into the difference between the two and how to develop a growth mindset in your workplace.

According to Psychology Today, a growth mindset is simply a belief that our basic abilities can be developed and improved through dedication and hard work.

On the other hand, a fixed mindset is a belief that our qualities are fixed traits, and therefore cannot be changed.

So, why do you think it’s important to set your mind when developing your leadership abilities? According to Developing Good Habits, your fixed beliefs about yourself will hold you back from making positive changes.

As a leader, it’s important that you develop a growth mindset as believing that your leadership abilities can improve leads you to be better today than you are yesterday. Eventually, it can lead you to develop your transformational leadership style.

So, let’s break down the 5 simplified strategies on how to develop a growth mindset in your workplace.

Acknowledge your weaknesses.

When you’re aware of your weaknesses as a leader, it would be easier to decide which areas to improve on. Keep in mind that your weaknesses are your stepping stones for your growth.

View challenges as opportunities.

When you face challenges in your workplace, it means there’s room for growth. View these challenges as your opportunity to grow as a leader.

If you feel that your team member needs improvement, it’s a challenge but at the same time, it’s your opportunity to lead them to a higher level. And guiding your team members is one way how to develop a growth mindset in your workplace.

Replace “failing” with “learning.”

While we all want success, it’s never guaranteed. And most of the time failure will always be part of our success as leaders. So, it would be even better to embrace failure from the get-go and view them as part of your learnings in order to succeed.

I remember the time I messed up when I trained a new employee. Instead of motivating him to get better, I emphasized his mistakes, making him feel he was not worth it to be with our team.

As a leader, I knew I failed on that part. But instead of just recognizing it as a failure, I viewed it as a learning and I was able to develop a process of coaching and motivating employees.

Value the process over the result.

Same as life, leadership is about the journey, not the destination. Your goal as a leader does not completely define you. Your habits and daily activities do. How do you start your day at work? What does your schedule look like? How do you manage your tasks? These little activities will either set you for success or break you apart.

A 1% improvement may be too small. But small improvements will surely lead to a massive ones when done consistently. That’s the mindset!

The goal of getting a little bit better every day is a strategy for developing a growth mindset in your workplace.

A growth mindset cultivates a sense of purpose.

When you set a goal or purpose, you will have the drive to do the tasks and challenges in order to achieve it. Cultivating a sense of purpose leads you to find and create opportunities to grow and learn.

Developing a growth mindset in your workplace is not a one-time process. It’s a journey you can take that you know will benefit you from the time being. When you have a growth mindset, I would say, anything is possible.

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Rachel runs a small bakery & cafe in her town, alongside her high school best friends. She's a former teacher who pursued the creative industry and later on discovered her passion for baking and photography.

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